Genetic Testing
Testing your specific response to medications to reduce the risk of side effects and increase efficacy of medications using genetic profile which is done with a simple, quick swab test producing a comprehensive individual report.
(Using Genesight)
"GeneSight® Psychotropic is a pharmacogenomic test that uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze 12 different genes to weigh their combined influence on patient response to more than 55 psychotropic medications. GeneSight testing helps guide clinician prescribing by placing each medication into one of three color-coded categories: "Use as Directed" in green, "Moderate Gene-Drug Interaction" in yellow, or "Significant Gene-Drug Interaction" in red. This categorization enables you to select genetically appropriate medications for each patient, increasing the likelihood of response, and reducing the risk of adverse events. In clinical studies published in peer-reviewed journals, using the GeneSight Psychotropic test has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression by 70% and double a patient's odds of response and remission compared to treatment as usual."

This testing is valuable for:
"Patients who are experiencing less than desired medication response:
- Patients with uncontrolled symptoms who switch off of genetically discordant medications show the greatest reduction in depressive symptoms." -
"Patients who are showing unwanted side effects:
- 80% of patients who have failed at least one
medication are currently taking a genetically sub-
optimal medication." -
"Patients taking multiple medications due to medical comorbidities:
- GeneSight® testing may help avoid drug-drug
interactions and compounding side effects." -
"Elderly patients who want to avoid adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and additional healthcare costs:
- Patients age 65+ whose clinician made treatment
decisions congruent with the GeneSight Psychotropic
test were on two fewer medications per year compared
to those whose clinician made decisions incongruent
with the test."