Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol Use Disorder - what used to be called alcoholism - is a condition related to the misuse or abuse of alcohol. When problematic drinking becomes severe, and a person's drinking pattern causes significant distress, they are given a medical diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder or AUD. To be diagnosed with AUD, a person must meet the criteria outlined below. The severity of AUD—mild, moderate, or severe—is based on the number of symptoms the person is experiencing. Any of these symptoms are a cause for concern; even a mild disorder can lead to health issues or problems at home, work, or school.
A person with AUD may behave in the following ways:
Drinking more or for a longer period of time than intended
Difficulty stopping or cutting down drinking despite effort
Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from the effects of alcohol
Having cravings or a strong urge to drink
Difficulty meeting obligations at home, work, or school due to drinking or the aftereffects
Continued drinking despite the trouble it causes with family or friends
Giving up or cutting back on important or interesting activities in order to drink
Recurrent driving, swimming, use of machinery, or engaging in other unsafe activities while or after drinking
Continued drinking even when it has led to physical or psychological problems
Drinking more to feel the desired effect of alcohol (building up a tolerance)
Withdrawal symptoms - such as trouble sleeping, shakiness, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, nausea, or sweating - when the effects of alcohol wear off